Results for 'Jean Julia Chai'

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  1.  12
    From a Painter's Perspective: The Introduction to an Illustrated Manual on Painting Attributed to Serlio.Jean Julia Chai - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):49-78.
    Serlio achieved fame as an architect and the author of seven books on architecture, but his activities as a painter are hardly known. The recently discovered autograph manuscript reveals his thinking about this 'most noble art': collectively its pages form the introduction to an unfinished treatise on painting. As with his architectural discourse, Serlio's approach to writing about painting is entirely practical. In no sense a humanist reflection on the subject of art, the work was planned as an illustrated manual (...)
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    Encuentros históricos: conversaciones con Jean Piel, sobre historia y el trabajo del historiador.Jean Piel, Rubén Emilio Correa & María Julia Palacios (eds.) - 2000 - Salta, Argentina: Grupo de Estudios Sociales del Noroeste Argentino.
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    Le scandale de l'endettement français : 2007-2011.Jean-Pierre Balligand & Julia Taddei - 2011 - Multitudes 47 (4):13-16.
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    Vocação ou ofício? A constituição da identidade docente na formação de professores de Ciências e a contribuição do PIBID.Jeane Cristina Gomes Rotta, Delano Moody Simões da Silva & Ana Júlia Pedreira - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):795-824.
    Resumo: O objetivo desse artigo foi analisar e refletir se a produção científica em periódicos nacionais tem abordado a constituição da identidade docente como vocação ou profissão nas formações docente, além de inferir se o PIBID tem contribuído perante essa questão na formação de professores de Ciências. A pesquisa foi qualitativa do tipo “Estado da Arte” e os artigos analisados com base na Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram que há uma lacuna de pesquisas que visam identificar como os professores (...)
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    Essays in semiotics.Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok (eds.) - 1971 - The Hague,: Mouton.
    INTRODUCTION: LE LIEU SÉMIOTIQUE JULIA KRISTEVA Les stoïciens furent probablement les premiers à developper une théorie détaillée du SIGNE - du ...
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    Jean Elizabeth Hampton 1954-1996.Julia Annas - 1996 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 70 (2):191 - 193.
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    Singing Democracy: Music and Politics in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Thought.Julia Simon - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):433-454.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Singing Democracy:Music and Politics in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ThoughtJulia SimonComment? Tous les intervalles de mon Clavecin sont altérés?... Fi, le vilain instrument; ne m'en parlez plus.... Je veux chanter.—Anton Bemetzrieder, Leçons de ClavecinDemocratic theory of the eighteenth century, and particularly Rousseau's, is suffused with the idealism and lack of pragmatism that make it both immensely compelling and extraordinarily frustrating. Conceived under the decaying edifice of the absolute monarchy, it (...)
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    (1 other version)Between Blindness and Touching. Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy on the Self-Portrait.Julia Meer - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (2):60-73.
    The paper analyzes Jacques Derrida’s and Jean-Luc Nancy’s concept of the self-portrait. It is argued that Nancy builds on Derrida’s approach but introduces two decisive modifications. Firstly, he develops the emergence of the painter on the canvas as constitution of the self – an aspect Derrida does not consider. Secondly, Nancy understands portraying – and thus images – on the basis of touching. In contrast, Derrida conceives portraying as coming from the invisible and two forms of blindness. In doing (...)
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    Transparence of the icon: ontological theory of image by Jean-Luc Marion and the problem of «τύποσ» in the Byzantine thought.Julia Baracheva - 2013 - Sententiae 28 (1):76-86.
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    Expeausition: Bild und Malerei als korporale Vollzugsformen.Julia Regina Meer - 2021 - transcript Verlag.
    Ausgehend von Lucian Freuds Bild »Painter Working, Reflection« (1993) entwirft Julia Regina Meer eine korporale Philosophie der Bilder. Das Bild avanciert dabei zum Ausgangspunkt des Denkens, was eine methodische Abgrenzung zu den Bildwissenschaften wie auch zur Bildtheorie ermöglicht. In Anlehnung an die Philosophie von Jean-Luc Nancy schlägt sie ein affirmatives Konzept von Körperlichkeit vor, das auf dem Grenzbegriff der Expeausition - der körperlichen Ausgesetztheit entlang der Haut - beruht. Wie der Selbstakt von Freud zeigt, potenzieren Bilder dieses Ausgesetztsein, (...)
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    Rousseau Among the Moderns: Music, Aesthetics, Politics.Julia Simon - 2013 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Renowned for his influence as a political philosopher, a writer, and an autobiographer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau is known also for his lifelong interest in music. He composed operas and other musical pieces, invented a system of numbered musical notation, engaged in public debates about music, and wrote at length about musical theory. Critical analysis of Rousseau’s work in music has been principally the domain of musicologists, rarely involving the work of scholars of political theory or literary studies. In _Rousseau Among (...)
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    Mass Enlightenment: Critical Studies in Rousseau and Diderot.Julia Simon - 1995 - SUNY Press.
    Using the writings of the critical theorists of the Frankfurt School as a framework, this book uncovers the tensions and contradictions associated with the rise of capitalism as manifested in the writings of Rousseau and Diderot.
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    A coffee-table book on “the art of science”: Jean Fornasiero, Lindl Lawton and John West-Sooby : The art of science: Nicolas Baudin’s voyagers 1800–1804. Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2016, 176pp, $A39.95 PB.Julia Böttcher - 2018 - Metascience 27 (2):305-307.
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    Reading The Second Sex Sixty Years Later.Julia Kristeva & Timothy Hackett - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (2):137-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading The Second Sex Sixty Years LaterJulia KristevaTranslated by Timothy HackettPublished in 1949, today The Second Sex is a youthful sixty-year-old woman who has created a scandal, but also a school of thought: She marks a decisive stage in women's liberation and continues to accelerate it.Let's try to place ourselves in that year, 1949: The world has barely dressed its wounds from World War II and onto the scene (...)
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    Rousseau and dignity: art serving humanity.Julia V. Douthwaite (ed.) - 2017 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Rousseau and Dignity is a volume that combines a photography exhibit, lectures, commentary, and audience reactions by people ages seven to ninety-two, all for Jean-Jacques Rousseau's tercentennial.
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    „Jak żywa” to "uniwersalny komunał"? O nieoczywistych związkach prozopopei z ekfrazą w powieści Portret Pierre’a Assouline’a.Julia Dynkowska - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 61 (2):83-99.
    It stands to reason that ekphrasis cannot be limited to the detailed but plain description of the artifact, for it often concerns what is not there in the painting as well. Authors of the ekphrases sometimes “animate” or “revive” a work of art, which manifests itself in narrativization of painted scenes. The process is also frequently supplemented by its continuation or backstory and fictitious utterances of figures depicted in the painting. The paper discusses a specific literary form of that kind (...)
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    Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Eighteenth Century.Julia Jorati - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Discussions about the morality of slavery are a central part of the history of early modern philosophy. This book explores the philosophical ideas, theories, and arguments that occur in eighteenth-century debates about slavery, with a particular focus on the role that race plays in these debates. This exploration reveals how closely Blackness and slavery had come to be associated and how common it was to believe that Black people are natural slaves, or naturally destined for slavery. The book examines not (...)
  18.  10
    Les valeurs dans l'argumentation: l'héritage de Chaïm Perelman.Jean-Claude Guerrini - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Cet ouvrage restitue l'apport considérable du refondateur de la rhétorique Chaïm Perelman sur le point précis des valeurs en prenant la mesure exacte de son entreprise théorique et de la réception qui lui a été réservée dans les études contemporaines d'argumentation et de rhétorique.
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  19.  5
    Pulsions du temps.Julia Kristeva - 2013 - Paris: Fayard. Edited by David Uhrig & Christina Kkona.
    Où est le temps, existe-t-il encore? Je vous propose d'ouvrir la question du TEMPS. Jamais le temps n'a été aussi compact, uniformisé, fermé comme il l'est désormais à la surface globalisée de l'hyperconnexion. Mais jamais non plus il n'a été aussi ouvert et multiple : incessant battement d'avènements, amorces, émergences, éclosions perpétuelles. Je retrouve ici des expériences singulières : dans l'érotisme maternel et dans celui de la foi religieuse, j'ose parier sur la culture européenne et sur l'humanisme à refonder, je (...)
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  20.  20
    Language and "the Feminine" in Nietzsche and Heidegger.Jean Graybeal - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    Nietzsche and Heidegger were both lovers of language, and author Jean Graybeal argues that their writing styles demonstrate a relationship with the feminine dimension of language. Using as a framework the theories of Julia Kristeva concerning the "symbolic" and "semiotic" dispositions in language, Graybeal reads Nietzsche and Heidegger as writers and thinkers whose experimentation with language is directly relevant both to their quests for nonmetaphysical ways of thinking and to the feminist project of moving beyond male dominance. The (...)
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  21.  85
    The Reinvention of the Couple.Julia Kristeva - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (4):29-34.
    This paper traces back on a personal tone a provocative evocation of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. The author considers existentialism as a laboratory of existence that influenced a generation's manner of living and writing and made one's existential desires into historical and political acts. Its most representative mode of expression, literature, was as an indicator of the presence of the private throughout the public world and time. In this view, de Beauvoir's presence is approached both from the (...)
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    Fenomenología y literatura.Julia Valentina Iribarne - 2005 - [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Edited by Aristizábal Hoyos & Pedro Juan.
    CONTENIDO: La fenomenología de Husserl como monadología - El concepto husserliano de mónada - La antigua y difícil propuesta de amor - Para una fenomenología de la violencia - La fenomenología de Husserl: ¿ecología o monadología? - Descripción fenomenológica del dolor de la experiencia intropática del dolor - Memoria y olvido en relación con la identidad personal - De fenomenología, violencia y víctimas - En torno a la esperanza - Libertad como problema: comentario de las Moscas de Jean Paul (...)
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    L'Éloquence de la raison.Jean-François Melcer - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    volume 1. Justice et rhétorique selon Chaïm Perelman, ou, comment dire le juste? -- volume 2. Éthique et rhétorique (d')après Chaïm Perelman, ou, la raison hospitalière -- 3. Logique et rhétorique selon Chaïm Perelman, ou, Le jugement partagé.
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  24. Ecos de uma futura professora: memórias da formação em páginas de cadernos do Curso Complementar // DOI: 10.18226/21784612.v24.e019006. [REVIEW]Dóris Bittencourt Almeida & Julia Poletto - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019006.
    O presente artigo toma como objeto de análise cadernos produzidos por Romana Bragatti, entre os anos de 1934 a 1936, estudante do Curso Complementar do Colégio São José, localizado em Caxias do Sul/RS. O estudo investiga esses suportes de escrita, suas materialidades e enunciados, na tentativa de compreender os usos dos artefatos e os discursos constitutivos da formação docente. Como respaldo teórico, são referenciados António Viñao Frago, Castillo Gómez e Jean Hébrard, autores que trabalham com a história da cultura (...)
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    Ecos de uma futura professora: memórias da formação em páginas de cadernos do Curso Complementar. [REVIEW]Dóris Bittencourt Almeida & Julia Poletto - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24.
    O presente artigo toma como objeto de análise cadernos produzidos por Romana Bragatti, entre os anos de 1934 a 1936, estudante do Curso Complementar do Colégio São José, localizado em Caxias do Sul/RS. O estudo investiga esses suportes de escrita, suas materialidades e enunciados, na tentativa de compreender os usos dos artefatos e os discursos constitutivos da formação docente. Como respaldo teórico, são referenciados António Viñao Frago, Castillo Gómez e Jean Hébrard, autores que trabalham com a história da cultura (...)
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    Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God with James Wood, Catherine Keller, Charles Taylor, Julia Kristeva, Gianni Vattimo, Simon Critchley, Jean-Luc Marion, John Caputo, David Tracey, Jens Zimmermann, and Merold Westphal.Richard Kearney & Jens Zimmermann (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary conversations about religion and culture are framed by two reductive definitions of secularity. In one, multiple faiths and nonfaiths coexist free from a dominant belief in God. In the other, we deny the sacred altogether and exclude religion from rational thought and behavior. But is there a third way for those who wish to rediscover the sacred in a skeptical society? What kind of faith, if any, can be proclaimed after the ravages of the Holocaust and the many religion-based (...)
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    Jean Starobinski y la melancolía. Un paradigma hermenéutico.Nieves Marín Cobos - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:463-485.
    Este artículo plantea la posibilidad de entender la melancolía como un paradigma hermenéutico. En concreto, se enfatiza su idoneidad como tal para interpretar aquellos textos construidos desde la voz de un Yo. Los diversos trabajos que Jean Starobinski ha dedicado a dicho concepto y, sobre todo, su texto capital L’encre de la mélancolie (2012), serán el eje en torno al cual gire esta propuesta –esta tentativa crítica–; desde esta obra, remitiremos a otros autores esenciales, como Aristóteles, Sigmund Freud, (...) Kristeva o Roger Bartra. Nuestra argumentación se divide en tres etapas: primero indagamos en el juego de contrarios que ha lastrado la historia conceptual de la melancolía, después ahondamos en el desplazamiento, el desdoblamiento y el exceso como núcleos de sentido del paradigma hermenéutico propuesto, y culminamos con una aplicación analítica, que nos conducirá a unas conclusiones en torno a la crítica. (shrink)
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    Perec en Amérique by Jean-Jacques Thomas.Warren Motte - 2019 - Substance 48 (2):123-125.
    In the early pages of this study, Jean-Jacques Thomas confesses that it was not his intention to write a book on Perec. Rather, he was interested in the manner in which "French Theory" had taken root in American academia in the 1960s and 1970s, enabling figures such as Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan, Jean-François Lyotard, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and others to export their thought with such resounding success. During the same period, a variety (...)
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    Unmasking the Big Bluff of Legitimate Governance and So-Called Independence: Creolizing Rousseau through the Reflections of Anna Julia Cooper.Jane Anna Gordon - 2018 - Critical Philosophy of Race 6 (1):1-25.
    This article explains what is meant by the creolizing of ideas and then demonstrates it through exploring a political observation about political illegitimacy made by eighteenth-century Genevan social and political thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau and creolized when the nineteenth-century African-American educator and social critic Anna Julia Cooper argued that the ideal of independence that lay at the core of political doctrines of republican self-governance relied on forms of willful blindness that cloaked the ongoing dependence of all human beings on (...)
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  30.  20
    The Scientific Persona and the Patrimonialization of Contemporary Personal Archives: A Discussion of the Case of Jean Leray.Christophe Eckes - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:145-169.
    La présente étude de cas soulève une série de questions historiographiques et archivistiques induites par une enquête que nous avons consacrée à la patrimonialisation des papiers personnels de Jean Leray (1906-1998). Nous entendons tout d’abord reconstituer la persona scientifique de Jean Leray telle qu’elle ressort des notices biographiques produites en particulier après son décès. Le récit que nous a livré Leray sur sa captivité durant la seconde guerre mondiale y est alors reproduit et amplifié. Nous établissons ensuite que (...)
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    Persona scientifique et patrimonialisation d’archives personnelles contemporaines : autour du cas Jean Leray.Christophe Eckes - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:145-169.
    La présente étude de cas soulève une série de questions historiographiques et archivistiques induites par une enquête que nous avons consacrée à la patrimonialisation des papiers personnels de Jean Leray. Nous entendons tout d’abord reconstituer la persona scientifique de Jean Leray telle qu’elle ressort des notices biographiques produites en particulier après son décès. Le récit que nous a livré Leray sur sa captivité durant la seconde guerre mondiale y est alors reproduit et amplifié. Nous établissons ensuite que le (...)
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    Problem of sex differences in space perception and aspects of intellectual functioning.Julia A. Sherman - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (4):290-299.
  33. Accuracy for Believers.Julia Staffel - 2017 - Episteme 14 (1):39-48.
    In Accuracy and the Laws of Credence Richard Pettigrew assumes a particular view of belief, which states that people don't have any other doxastic states besides credences. This is in tension with the popular position that people have both credences and outright beliefs. Pettigrew claims that such a dual view of belief is incompatible with the accuracy-first approach. I argue in this paper that it is not. This is good news for Pettigrew, since it broadens the appeal of his framework.
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  34. (2 other versions)Uneasy Virtue.Julia Driver - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):606-607.
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    Personal Love and Kantian Ethics in Effi Briest.Julia Annas - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (1):15-31.
  36. Epictetus on moral perspectives.Julia Annas - 2007 - In Theodore Scaltsas & Andrew S. Mason (eds.), The philosophy of Epictetus. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Cyberbullying Among Adolescent Bystanders: Role of Affective Versus Cognitive Empathy in Increasing Prosocial Cyberbystander Behavior.Julia Barlińska, Anna Szuster & Mikołaj Winiewski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  38. El doble asedio a las instituciones del Estado.Julia Barragán - 2003 - Theoria 18 (47).
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    Reply to Cooper.Julia Annas - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):599-610.
    ‘The matter will hinge on this point: what will be established is the ideal wise and virtuous person either of the Stoics or of the Old Academy [Platonists and Aristotelians]. You can’t have both; the dispute between them is not about boundaries but about complete ownership, since all rationale for living is involved in one’s definition of the final good, and dispute about that is dispute about all rationale for living. So it can’t be both, since they disagree so deeply; (...)
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    Recursive Functions of One Variable.Julia Robinson - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):476-476.
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    How to Feel About Climate Change? An Analysis of the Normativity of Climate Emotions.Julia Mosquera & Kirsti M. Jylhä - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3):357-380.
    Climate change evokes different emotions in people. Recently, climate emotions have become a matter of normative scrutiny in the public debate. This phenomenon, which we refer to as the normativization of climate emotions, manifests at two levels. At the individual level, people are faced with affective dilemmas, situations where they are genuinely uncertain about what is the right way to feel in the face of climate change. At the collective level, the public debate reflects disagreement about which emotions are appropriate (...)
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    Zweite Natur: Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongress 2017.Julia Christ & Axel Honneth (eds.) - 2022 - Klostermann.
    Der Begriff "Zweite Natur", der schon in der Antike Verwendung findet, nimmt in den philosophischen Debatten der Gegenwart eine Schlusselstellung ein. Auch wenn er in verschiedenen Traditionszusammenhangen jeweils anders gedeutet wird, soll mit dem Begriff doch immer das Problem gelost werden, wie sich Natur und Freiheit, kausale Notwendigkeit und menschlicher Geist zueinander verhalten. In der auf Marx zuruckgehenden Tradition wird mit "Zweiter Natur" in kritischer Absicht der historischen Umstand bezeichnet, dass sich die geschichtliche Entwicklung weiterhin ohne vernunftige Planung und daher (...)
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    Susceptibility to COVID-19 Scams: The Roles of Age, Individual Difference Measures, and Scam-Related Perceptions.Julia Nolte, Yaniv Hanoch, Stacey Wood & David Hengerer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As the COVID-19 pandemic was unfolding, a surge in scams was registered across the globe. While COVID-19 poses higher health risks for older adults, it is unknown whether older adults are also facing higher financial risks as a result of COVID-19 scams. Here, we examined age differences in vulnerability to COVID-19 scams and individual difference measures that might help explain them. A lifespan sample of sixty-eight younger, 79 middle-aged, and 63 older adults recruited through Prolific completed questions and questionnaires online. (...)
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    Self-Realization and Justice: A Liberal-Perfectionist Defense of the Right to Freedom From Employment.Julia Maskivker - 2011 - Routledge.
    In this book, Maskivker argues that there ought to be a right not to participate in the paid economy in a new way; not by appealing to notions of fairness to competing conceptions of the good, but rather to a contentious (but defensible) normative ideal, namely, self-realization. In so doing, she joins a venerable tradition in ethical thought, initiated by Aristotle and developed in the work of important eighteenth and nineteenth century thinkers including Smith, Hume, and Marx.The book engages on-going (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume I: 1983.Julia Annas (ed.) - 1983 - Oxford University Press.
    An annual publication which publishes original articles, some of substantial length, on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of major books.
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  46. Expression and Individualism in the Sacred Buildings of Stanisław Niemczyk.Julia Sowińska - 2007 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 9:175-194.
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    La Comuna por la vida o la vida por la Comuna.Julia Tessio - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 17.
    This article addresses the participation of women who played a leading role in the revolutionary days of 1871, seeking to dialogue with the different images and stories that have been built around their participation. After 150 years, it is necessary to ask again who were these protagonists and what were the reasons for their participation, looking beyond the renowned leaders and combatants that stand out in the memoirs. To this end, seeking to break with myths, idealizations and reductionisms, an analysis (...)
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  48. Cicero: On Moral Ends.Julia Annas & Raphael Woolf (eds.) - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2001 translation makes one of the most important texts in ancient philosophy available to modern readers. Cicero is increasingly being appreciated as an intelligent and well-educated amateur philosopher, and in this work he presents the major ethical theories of his time in a way designed to get the reader philosophically engaged in the important debates. Raphael Woolf's translation does justice to Cicero's argumentative vigour as well as to the philosophical ideas involved, while Julia Annas's introduction and notes provide (...)
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    In-the-Moment Profiles of Expectancies, Task Values, and Costs.Julia Dietrich, Julia Moeller, Jiesi Guo, Jaana Viljaranta & Bärbel Kracke - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Father Richard and His Printing Press.Julia Cooley Altrocchi - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (3):445-452.
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